Venus & Jupiter in Scorpio: Love, Intimacy, and Healing in our Relationships

More Scorpio energy from the cosmos; first Jupiter, then Mercury, the Sun, now Venus and in mid-December even Mars will join the Scorpio train of planets in this powerful, volatile, and mysterious sign – haven’t we be going through some changes. Yes we have.

And now it’s Venus’ turn to travel through Scorpio; not her favorite sign, in fact, Venus is the detriment of Scorpio meaning that they don’t really mix well together. Venus is customarily much more at home in Taurus where she can be about beauty and good values. But in Scorpio she finds herself mixed with intense emotions, sexual desire, and even symbolic death; letting go and transformation. Not the usual Venus dream qualities.

However, transformation is key to healing and today we’re going to be looking at relationships and our need to heal ourselves as we prepare to be in a good relationship. As well as, our need to understand that relationships have the capacity to heal us…especially when we decide that we’re done with the ones that simply re-traumatize us!

Mixed with Jupiter – Venus is large and in charge. And this Venus, in Scorpio, takes no prisoners. She reminds me a bit of the Hindu Goddess, Kali, the destroyer of evil forces; a strong and decidedly direct, liberating force that cleaves us from the bondage to ignorance and ego that we all so comfortably suffer from. Quite the mouthful there, sorry, but we do. We are so comfortable with our ego state; our ignorance to our own actions – that a Kali, Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio, is going to add even more energy to the present awakening we are all going through. And you were wondering if we could take any more. Well, we can.

Liberation is key here. In contrast to the idea of bondage, liberation is being free from bondage. So if Venus is Scorpio is a liberator, then she has the capacity to change us from one state of being to another – all under the direction of love. It could be a very dynamic and positive energy for us all.

Being freed from the chains of our own ego structure; the very thing that’s preventing us from growing, from even seeing the reality behind human growth and our deep purpose to do the same. A liberating energy for the ego. The possibilities are endless. If somehow we can be awakened to the need for love and transformation – a new attitude toward love and healing; then we will realign ourselves with our greater purpose. The planets align for such an awakening –they do. And as we continue to explore the evolution of the planets right here at this blog we’re going to see how there is a progressive, step-by-step movement toward enlightenment going on right now!

So, for now, we’re going to concern ourselves with expanding on Jupiter in Scorpio energy. That’s the overriding, larger planetary energy that’s in Scorpio right now. Remember, that energy is going to last until the fall of 2018. So, we have a full year for it to make its complete impact. But because we’re having so many other planets align one by one with Jupiter there are lots of triggers and high notes that are adding there flavor to the main ingredient!

The core here is intimacy and truth. Scorpio may be secretive but it also values truth. Intimacy relies on truth. Without truth there cannot be any real intimacy. It’s the basis for it. By definition, intimacy refers to emotional honesty. So, without honesty, truth, there can be no intimacy – no connection with realness.

It seems like people are universally scared of that. I get asked all the time – why is intimacy so hard? By married people – I get asked – why do I feel so afraid to express what’s going on for me? The answer is simple – we fear that we will be rejected for revealing what’s truthfully going on for us – for our feelings. Because sometimes we do get rejected. It can be hard for other people to accept how we feel. We may have an issue with them and we’re afraid to discuss it because we don’t want to hurt them. Or we may have an issue with ourselves and we don’t want to be thought less of because of it. Either way, the act of being intimate, of letting someone else know what’s going on for us, is frightening. But it is freeing. And Scorpio knows that the freeing up, the letting go, is painful, but it makes room for something new – always.

Venus may be in her detriment in Scorpio but she has something deep to offer. That letting go can be done with love. That being in touch with our feelings and sharing them is something we want to do no matter how afraid we are. And that love is not always so pretty or nice – sometimes it’s scary, and it requires us to dig into ourselves to find the light in a crazy, dark world.


Craig Martin